Monday, November 1, 2010

Screenings full steam ahead!

It's been eventful over here as I'm trying to finish up post-production (and even a little bit of production! More on that later), while moving forward with lots of campus screenings using the existing version of Subjectified. I've also been taking care of business and legal stuff, which is less fun but also very important.

Upcoming events!
I am very excited to be doing screenings and discussions at Bowdoin College in Maine (11/10) and at UC Berkeley (11/18). I am also working on another mystery screening in January! Stay in touch for details....

Other big news
I am super excited to be working with John Weston of Futura Productions on our sound mix. John is an awesome guy and has been terrific to work with so far. It's so heartening to know that we have the support of men as well as women on this project! John will help to refine the rough edges of this DIY project.

I am working in parallel to John to refine the video components. All the money that I didn't have to start this project translated into my using very basic equipment, which is translating into a lot of time on the back end, fixing things. I had no idea that I'd get so far with Subjectified that day when I walked into the electronics store and looked for the cheapest digital video camera with a mic input... Five years and thousands of hours of work later, I am very close to a final product that (hopefully) does justice to the incredible bravery of the women who told their stories on my camera!

There is other news to do with the final push for production/post-production, but that will have to be another blog post. More content soon, I promise.

Recent events!
We've had some really successful events recently, including a screening and Q&A at Lesley University, and a screening and fascinating discussion at Moishe/Kavod House in Brookline, MA, put together by their Sex Ed Team. The Moishe/Kavod Sex Ed Team does young adult sex ed at their social justice community center. The discussion was facilitated by Bonnie Solomon and Mimi Arbeit of the blog Sex Ed Transforms.

Daphne Strassmann wrote a very stimulating blog post through the Lesley Women's Center about Subjectified and the culture of oversharing. (She doesn't think that Subjectified is part of the oversharing problem, by the way!) I really appreciated her insights. It helps that she loves the project! She did a fantastic job putting together the event at Lesley and really going to bat for Subjectified.

I also had the pleasure to show an excerpt from the doc at Dr. Amy Rutstein-Riley's course on Women in Culture and Society, and to conduct a discussion with the class. You can see photos on facebook through the Lesley Women's Center. It's so fun and refreshing to encounter young women grappling with these ideas, sometimes for the first time. I wish they could be more involved with the project. By the way, if you are reading this and you want to get involved, I could totally use the help! Be in touch.


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