Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Organizing: on campus and off

I want to say how impressed I am by the organizing going on at college campuses, and how welcomed I've felt when presenting Subjectified. The presence of Women's Centers, Safe Spaces, and gender equity organizations is immense. I don't remember that presence when I was in college. Could it be that these groups didn't have the same prominence a decade ago, or that I was just on a very un-organized campus? The things I was working on weren't focused primarily on feminism at the time, either, so maybe I was just unaware.

We have a few great events in the pipeline, but I don't want to announce them until they're finalized. If you are in New Haven, San Diego, Tucscon, Davis/Sacramento, Providence, or NYC, I want to hear from you! We have events that are almost possible in these locations, and will become totally possible with a little more help on the ground.

I'm excited about organizing a screening with Megan Andelloux of Oh, Megan! Megan's amazing attitude has helped her build The Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health in Pawtucket, RI, from the ground up. Think of it as a sex ed center for adults. Hopefully we will work on an event together this spring.

In the meanwhile, join us in Providence at Brown University on Wednesday, March 23rd! Details to follow.

The screening at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health has been rescheduled to Wednesday, April 6th. Hopefully no blizzards will stop us this time. Please be in touch if you'd like to come. The event is open to the public on a limited basis.

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